西北大学食品科学与工程学院成立于2017年,是在2002年成立的西北大学化工学院食品工程系的基础上,汇集西北农林科技大学食品科学与工程、西北大学食品科学与工程、生命科学等相关专业的师资力量组建而成。学院现有二级学科博士点1个,一级学科硕士点1个,二级学科硕士点1个。 学院现有专职教师45人,其中教授9人,副教授21人,讲师15人,100%的教师具有博士学位,80%的教师有海外留学经历。教师队伍中有原国务院学位委员会学科评议组专家1人,享受国务院特殊津贴专家1人,教育部新世纪人才2人,陕西省“三五”人才1人,陕西省科技创新领军人才2人和陕西青年科技奖获得者2人。学院拥有“朱蓓薇院士工作站”、“陕西省食品安全风险识别控制技术研究中心”、“陕西省营养健康食品个性制造工程实验室”、“陕西省食品安全与营养健康创新转化平台”和“陕西省蜂产品工程技术研究中心”、“陕西省天然多糖资源利用工程研究中心”等科研平台...
宋微 博士,
中国营养学会营养转化医学分会理事,中国营养学会食物与烹饪营养分会理事,《Food Frontiers》、《e-Food》青年编委,获黑龙江省科技进步1等奖,中国食品科学技术学会科技创新奖1等奖。
1. W. Song*, Y. Y. Bai, J. H. Hu, L. L. Li, W. W. He, C. C. Liu, L. Li, X. Ning, L. N. Zhu, X. L. Cui, B. Chen, T. Y. Wang, K. X. Su, Y. X. Miao, Y. E. Luo, Q. L. Sheng and T. L. Yue, Lactobacillus coryniformis subsp. torquens inhibits bone loss in obese mice via modification of the gut microbiota. Food & Function. 2023, 14, 4522-4538. (封面文章,中科院1区Top)
2. Song W, Derito, C M., Liu R*. Cellular antioxidant activity of common vegetables. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2010, 58 (11), 6621-6629. (高被引论文,中科院1区Top)
3. Yahui Wang1, Wei Song1, Haiyan Zhao, Xin Ma, Shuying Yang, Xiujuan Qiao, Qinglin Sheng*, Tianli Yue*, DNA walker-assisted aptasensor for highly sensitive determination of Ochratoxin A. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2021, 182, 113171. (中科院1区Top)
4. Wei Song*, Qinglin Sheng, Yuying Bai, Li Li, Xin Ning, Yangeng Liu, Chen Song, Tianyi Wang, Xiaohua Dong, Yane Luo, Jinhong Hu, Lina Zhu, Xiaole Cui, Bing Chen, Lingling Li, Congli Cai, Haobo Cui, Tianli Yue*. Obesity, but not high-fat diet, is associated with bone loss that is reversed via CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ Tregs-mediated gut microbiome of non-obese mice. npj Sci Food. 2023, 7, 14. (中科院1区,nature合作期刊)
5. Zhengcao Xiao, Xiaohui Hou, Ting Zhang, Yahong Yuan, Jianbo Xiao, Wei Song*, Tianli Yue*, Starch-digesting product analysis based on the hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography coupled mass spectrometry method to evaluate the inhibition of flavonoids on pancreatic α-amylase, Food Chemistry, 2022, 371, 131175. (中科院1区Top)
6. Wei Song* Tianyi Wang, Xiaole Cui, Lingling Li, Bing Chen, Yanjie Li and Tianli Yue*. Lactobacillus coryniformis subsp. torquens T3 alleviates non-alcoholic fatty liver disease via reconstruction of the gut microbiota and redox system. J Sci Food Agric. 2023.6.10.
7. Wei Song*, Jinhong Hu1, Lina Zhu1, Bing Chen1, Lingling Li1, Xiaole Cui1, Ting Zhang1, Yaxing, Miao1, Kaixin Su1, Changchun, Liu1, Yane Luo1, Tianli Yue1. Inulin alleviates HFD-induced NAFLD by hepatic macrophage polarization and lipid metabolism via gut-liver axis. Food Science and Human Wellness. 2024,accepted.
8. Xiaoqiang Chen*, Yuxi Hu1, Bingjie Wang, Yin Chen, Yao Yuan, Weilong Zhou, Wei Song*, Zhengqi Wu and Xiuting Li, Characterization of theabrownins prepared from tea polyphenols by enzymatic and chemical oxidation. Frontiers in nutrition. 2022, 9, 849728.
9. Wei Song, Chen Song, Li Li, Tianyi Wang, Lina Zhu, Tianli Yue, Lactobacillus alleviated obesity induced by high-fat diet in mice, Journal of Food Science. 2021, 86(12), 5439-5451.
10. Wei Song, Yangeng Liu, Xiaohua Dong, Chen Song, Yuying Bai, Panpna Hu, Li Li, Tianyi Wang, Lactobacillus M5 prevents osteoarthritis induced by a high-fat diet in mice. Journal of Functional Foods. 2020, 72, 104039.
11. Wei Song1*, †, Panpan Hu2, †, Shouli Guo3, †, Jinhong Hu1, Chen Song4, Tianyi Wang4 , Zihan Gao1, Tianli Yue1, Oxidative stress and endoplasmic reticulum stress contribute to L. paracasei subsp. paracasei M5L exopolysaccharides-induced apoptosis in HT-29 cells. Food Science and Nutrition. 2021, 9 (3), 1676-1687.
12. Lei Huang1, Yu-Juan Shan1,* , Can-Xia He1, Ming-Hua Ren2, Pei-Jun Tian1, and Wei Song1,*, Effects of L.Paracasei Subp. Paracasei X12 on Cell Cycle of Colon Cancer HT-29 Cells and Regulation of mTOR Signaling Pathway. Journal of Functional Foods. 2016,21,431-439.
13. Panpan Hu,a Wei Song,*a Yujuan Shan,a Ming Du,a Minghui Huang,b Chen Song,a and Lanwei Zhang*a. Lactobacillus paracasei supsp. paracasei M5L induces cell cycle arrest and calreticulin translocation via the generation of reactive oxygen species in HT-29 cell apoptosis. Food & Function. 2015.6, 2257-2265.
14. Wei Song,* Panpan Hu, Yujuan Shan, Ming Du, Anjun Liu* and Ran Ye. Cartilage polysaccharide induces apoptosis in K562 cells through a reactive oxygen species-mediated caspase pathway. Food & Function. 2014, 5(10), 2486-2493.
15. Song W, Jia YL, Fan YL, Du M, Liu AJ. PDTC antagonized polysaccharide-induced apoptosis in MCF-7 cells through a caspase-8 mediated Fas pathway. Journal of Functional Foods. 2013, 5(3), 1270-1278.
16. W Song*, C Song, Y Chen, M Du, P Hu, A Liu and W Lu*, Polysaccharide-induced apoptosis in H22 cells through G2/M arrest and BCL2/BAX caspase-activated Fas pathway. Cellular & Molecular Biology. 2015, 61(7), 88-95.
17. Wei Song 1,2, Jinming Shi 3, Denis Baranenko 4, Jing Jing 1,2 and Weihong Lu 1,2,*, Radioprotective effects of active compounds of Acanthopanax senticosus from the Lesser Khingan Mountain range in China. RSC Advances. 2016, 6, 65-72.
18. Wei Songa,b*, Chen Songa,b, YujuanShana,b, WeihongLua,b, JiliangZhanga,b,PanpanHuc, XianfanWua,b, ShouliGuod*, The antioxidative effects of three lactobacilli on high-fat-diet induced obesity mice. RSC Advances. 2016, 6, 65808. (
19. Xiaoqiang Chen 1,*, Wei Song 2, Jin Zhao 3, Zhifa Zhang 4 and Yuntian Zhang 1 Some Physical Properties of Protein Moiety of Alkali-Extracted Tea Polysaccharide Conjugates Were Shielded by Its Polysaccharide. Molecules. 2017, 22(6), 914
20. Y Zhou, W Song, Y Fu, D Baranenko, J Wang. Acanthopanax senticosus reduces brain injury in mice exposed to low linear energy transfer radiation Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 2018 99, 781-790
21. Jingyan Li, Wei Song, M. Margaret Barth, Hong Zhuang, Wenlong Zhang, Lanwei Zhang, Li Wang, Weihong Lu, Zhenyu Wang, Xue Han, Qi Li. Effect of modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) on the quality of sea buckthorn berry fruits during post-harvest storage. Journal of Food Quality. 2015, 38, 13-20.
1. 国家重点研发计划,秦巴山区食用菌质量安全保障技术研究与示范/秦巴山区食用菌营养健康因子挖掘与生物调控,2019YFC1606704 (子课题负责人,全面负责,2019.12-2022.12)
2. 国家自然科学青年基金,益生菌T3L抑制结肠炎性反应的肠道免疫调控机制,31901701 (主持人,全面负责2020.01-2022.12)
3. 陕西省重点研发计划一般项目,西北浆水中降脂益肝益生菌株挖掘及功能饮料研制,2024NC-YBXM-151 (主持人,全面负责,2024.01-2026.12)
4. 黑龙江省青年科学基金,益生菌对高脂膳食诱导小鼠肥胖形成的抑制作用及机制研究,QC2016028 (主持人,全面负责,2016.07-2019.07)
5. 中国博士后科学基金特别资助 (第六批),乳酸菌胞外多糖诱导结肠癌细胞免疫原性死亡的机制研究,2013T60383 (主持人,全面负责,2014.01-2016.12)
6. 第51批中国博士后科学基金面上资助,2012M510976中国博士后科学基金会,活性乳杆菌L.coryniformis T3L体内外抗氧化机制的研究(主持人,全面负责,2012.04-2013.12)
7. 高等学校博士点学科专项基金新教师基金,20112302120040免疫活性乳杆菌抑制结肠癌的体内外抗癌作用及相关机制研究(主持人,全面负责,2012.01-2014.12)
8. 黑龙江省青年科学基金,QC2016028益生菌对高脂膳食诱导小鼠肥胖形成的抑制作用及机制研究 (主持人,全面负责,2016.07-2019.07)
9. 哈尔滨市科技局科技创新人才基金2015RQQXJ055,PERK/eIF2α通路在副干酪乳杆菌胞外多糖诱导HT-29细胞凋亡中的机制研究(主持人,全面负责,2015.09-2018.02)
1. Wei Song, 2015. Mechanisms of Growth Inhibition of Colon Cancer Cell Line, HT-29, by Immunocompetent L. paracasei M5L. 2nd Food Innovation Sino-Russian Assembly. November 27-December 3, Saint-Petersburg, Russia (Oral)
2. Wei Song, Hu Panpan, Chen Song, Lanwei Zhang, 2015. The Growth Inhibition Mechanism of Lactobacillus M5L on HT-29 Cells. 9th Asia Pacific Conference on Clinical Nutrition. January 26-29, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Poster)
3. Wei Song, 2013. Polysaccharide induces apoptosis in K562 cells through a ROS mediated caspase mitochondrial pathway. EPNOE 2013 International Polysaccharide Conference, October 22-24Nice, France (Oral)
4. Song W., Bi X., Srinivas, J., and Yao, Yuan 2009. Effect of acid treatment, autoclave and β-amylolysis on formation of resistant starch. 2009 AACC (American Association of Cereal Chemists) International Annual Meeting, September 13 – 16, Baltimore, Maryland, USA (Poster)
1. 宋微,2020, Lactobacillus alleviates obesity induced by a high-fat diet in mice, 4th International Symposium on Phytochemicals in Medicine and Food (第四届医药与食品中的植物化学物质国际会议), 11.30-12.05,西安(大会报告)
2. 宋微2019, 肠道菌群介导乳杆菌T3L抑制高脂小鼠骨量减少的研究, 2019国际食品非热加工技术研讨会,9.10-9.12,大连(分会报告)
3. 宋微,2014, Mechanisms of Growth Inhibition of Colon Cancer Cell Line, HT-29, effected by Immunocompetent L. paracasei M5L. 中国食品科学技术学会第十一届年会暨第二届东方食品国际会议,11月5-6日,杭州(分会报告)
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